Kids yoga in English is a good way to keep your kids active and learn English. 

Meanwhile japanese mothers (almost of them😐) think that Kids Yoga it's a waste of time, an internationally recognized children's yoga expert and bestselling author of ABCs Yoga for Kids, Teresa Anne Power said that " just 5 minutes of yoga a day can change a child life". 
It's well know that yoga can help kids to develope confidence, improve concetration, encurages healthy habits, etc. 

The aim of this personal project Move&Learn English through Yoga is to promote active learning strategy for ESL kids. 

Learning English through Yoga can be active and fun. This can be done by incorporating the alphabet and words with yoga poses. Letting the kids to be creative with their poses they will also expand their vocabulary and speaking ability in English. 

    Fun and active online class designed for children ages 3-12 years old. Yoga postures are taught along with interactive games and friendship building. All English class!

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

-encourages healthy habits

-improve concentration

- enhances flexibility, strenght and body awareness


 今の時期、毎日子どもと一緒にどうやってお過ごしでしょうか? 英語でキッズヨガはとても楽しい運動です。子ども達は身体を動かしながら英語に触れることが出来ます。

  日本人のお母さん達に聞くとキッズヨガのために時間を使うのは勿体ないとよく聞きますがクリエーションとして国際的に認定されているヨガインストラクターでありベストセラー作家でもあるテレサ. アーネ. パワー氏によると「子供たちは毎日最低5分でもヨガをすれば人生が変わる」といいました。






